Tuesday, February 23, 2010



Monday, July 1, 1940


Ancestries Traced in Book on Racial Mixture Published in Berlin


Strain of Negro Is Shown in Circles of Russian, English, and German Nobility

On the thesis that no national entity can correctly designate itself as a race and that the people of these entities have in their veins more Negroid blood than is generally supposed, Brunold Springer, in his “Racial Mixture as a Basic Principle of Life,” just published by Verlag der Neuen Generation of Berlin, analyzes from the Negroid point of view the characteristics of the so-called “Hitler Aryan,” who Der Fuehrer would have prevail in Germany.

He writes: Ofter the Negroid aspect is strikingly evidenced in personal appearance. Herr Springer writes, as in the case of Dr. Schweninger, Bismarck’s physician, who has warm African eyes, or of Beethoven, who possessed in addition a strain of Malay and Alpine blood as well. Once the characteristic of Negro features become familiar to the glance, blonde Negroes are often discernible. Gabrielle Rejane, the French actress, had the broad nose and heavy lips of the blond Negro type.

Black Strain in Spaniards

There is a very large percentage of Negro blood in the Spanish people….The Spaniards then carried the black strain farther into Europe, into France and the former Netherlands. When the Spaniards were driven out of the latter lands, about 3,000 of them settled in Hamburg, and many a Hamburg citizen of today bears a striking resemblance to the citizens of Spain.

Portugal was the first example of a Negrito republic in Europe. In the Portuguese runs a deep current of Negro blood, and there the Negro has often risen to the caste of the nobility …. All of this is ancient history. The Romans brought Negro troops to the Rhine and over the Donau. Later merchants purchased the young Negroes as servants; in all large cities of commerce there were several hundred blacks, and many a house, was simply known as “at the Moors.”

Editor's Note and Insight: The only Spanish and Portuguese driven out of France (dates: 1182, 1306, 1322, and 1394) and the Netherlands (date: 1444) were the black Sephardic Jews. It was the Sephardic Jews that carried the Negro strain into outer parts of Europe such as Germany and Russia. Not to mention that it was the black Sephardic Jew that rose to "the caste of the nobility" in Portugal and Spain. For extensive treatment on the black Sephardic Jews read Stephen Birmingham's The Grandees: America's Sephardic Elite.

In one circle of people whose members belong to the Russian, English anmd German nobility there is much Negro blood, inherited from an ancestor who lived at the end of the eighteenth century, and who was the great-grandfather of one of the greatest poets of all lands and of all times, Alexander Sergeivitch Pushkin.

This article was exhumed from the exhaustive, limitless, and well-documented research of Joel Augustus Rogers. This article was copied into in his book 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof.

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